Design, Development of Robots and Automated systems , Mechanical engineering design office, Product Design
3D MORPHOZ (start-up Innovact)
Faciliter vos opérations de maintenance en diminuant vos coûts et vos délais d'intervention
Revolutionize industrial maintenance with 3D printing. We are developing a digital platform to transform your stock of spare parts into virtual stock. Our goal: gain responsiveness and decrease the value of your immobilized stock.

4Dcell is developing smart"micro-organs" for pre-clinical in vitro tests, key predictive steps in the drug design chain. Close to the human system (thanks to the control of the cellular microenvironment), they make it possible to predict the future behavior of molecules on humans.
R&D Director
ABF Décisions
ABF Décisions est un cabinet spécialisé dans la recherche et la mise en oeuvre de financements publics (subventions, crédits d'impôts, avances récupérables ...). Nos ingénieurs et nos docteurs déploient un accompagnement opérationnel, technique et sécurisant.
The expertise of Acteam Pro: - Strategy consulting - Project financing (innovation, international, investment) - Human resources consulting For 25 years, the consultancy company ACTEAM PRO has been committed and supports innovative companies.
Actemium NDT - Products & Systems
NDT products and systems supplier
Startup innovante expert pour la fabrication de Quantum Dots (QDs) non toxiques fonctionnalisés.
ACTINOVA is the benchmark company for fabrication and grafting of Quantum Dots. ACTIQDs are particularly attractive due to their bright and strongly size-tunable color of photoluminescence. ACTINOVA uses Quantum Dots to supply the various industrial applications
Activ Browser Technology
Have you ever thought about reproducing your work environment in the form of a 3D virtual center in which your co-workers will use avatars to access documents and learning programs? This is exactly what we do for our large corporate customers. Interested ? Come and meet us, we'll show you a demo !
We offer haptic solutions that recreate the sensations of touch in digital devices. Our product Tactronik is a solution allowing HD haptic feedback in any everyday device: smartphones, car screens, video game controllers, etc.
Development Manager
Aderly-Invest in Lyon
L'Aderly-Invest in Lyon conseille et accompagne les entreprises dans leur projet de développement en région lyonnaise. Chaque année, plus d'une centaine d'entreprises choisissent Lyon pour y développer leur activité, répondre à un besoin stratégique et profiter d'un cadre de travail d'exception.
Booster de plateformes web, expert de vos infrastructures d'hébergement : - Infogérance Linux : exploitation 24/7, supervision, sauvegardes - Automatisation : IaC, CaaS, intégration et déploiements continus - Architecture : audits, refonte - Formations et ateliers méthodologies DevOps
ADVANS is a holding structure : - ELSYS Design : experts in electronic system's, from Chip to Embedded Software, through digital/analog board - AVISTO : specialized in software development (Information System, mobile, Machine Learning/IA,...) - MECAGINE : conception mécanique
Agence de Design produit & services spécialisée dans l'expérience utilisateur.
Ova Design is a design agency based in both Paris and Montpellier. Agency’s DNA is that Users are at the center of any experience. From startup to bigger groups Ova Design has successful realizations in various fields, like for example, the EEG headset for URGOTECH or the STELLINA telescope.

Agilitest - Disruption dans l’industrie IT du test logiciel automatique
CAIPTURE is a software publishing company. Our product, Agilitest, allows you to automate software test scenarios. The main advantage is to be able to be used by test experts without having to code and enhance validated software time to market.
Director General
Agorize connects companies with innovators (start-ups, students, IT profiles), through Open Innovation challenges (O2O hackathons). Benefits: - Prospective, operational or business innovation - Reduced time-to-market - Innovative recruitment - Employer brand
Key Account Manager
DATAPOINTLABS can help you to get accuracy's Material data for your CAE ! Whatever the software you use, ask for a test adapted to it and get accurate material data acording to the law of your software (and in your CAE's software format). And in 5-business-day turnaround. for all standard testing.
Vers la réanimation de précision
AiiNTENSE is developing a cognitive assistance solution, integrating an AI and tele-expertise platform, for intensive care services in hospitals and clinics in order to improve the medical, ethical and economic care of patients
Gaz médical, santé à domicile